April 05, 2016
If you don't believe in God, all you have to believe in is decency. Decency is very good. Better decent than indecent. But I don't think it's enough.

I couldn't make sense of things. But then I began the process of civilising myself and trying to become a decent human being. I'm still working on it.
Decent message for whatsapp status

No matter what, how, where and who – you can almost always turn around and get a second chance.

If the goal is to get the best artists, actors, and filmmakers in the world to create the best movies, Hollywood does a decent job. And I think no one would disagree with me that it also makes a ton of bad movies and employs a bunch of hacks.

I'm content with the fact that I made a decent effort. That's what I've always worried about: that I wouldn't try hard enough.


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